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published 20.08.2016

Maresca, Nunzio, et al. "Agreement and reliability in measuring central corneal thickness with a rotating Scheimpflug–Placido system and ultrasound pachymetry." Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 37.6 (2014): 442-446.

Author information: Degree Course in Optics and Optometry, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, Roma TRE University, Rome, Italy. Electronic address: 2 Degree Course in Optics and Optometry, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, Roma TRE University, Rome, Italy. 3 Degree Course in Optics and Optometry, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, Roma TRE University, Rome, Italy; Ospedale "Grassi" Roma, Italy. 4 Department of Physics (Optics and Optometry), University of Florence, Italy.

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